To go to the Philippines without a visa, you must have a valid passport valid for at least 6 months after your return date.

Philippine Embassy: 4, hameau de Boulainvilliers, 75016 Paris. Tel:

They must obtain, prior to arrival, travel insurance for COVID-19 treatment costs from reputable insurers, with a minimum coverage of 35,000.00 USD for the duration of their stay in the Philippines 

The certificate must be marked COVID 19 and the amount of coverage must be clearly stated in both English and French or international certificate.


Compulsory vaccination: complete COVID 19 vaccination 2 doses and RT PCR test valid 24 hours before departure not compulsory if you have the booster 3 doses proof or card proving your vaccination.

FULLY Vaccinated* International travelers to the Philippines are NO LONGER REQUIRED to undergo institutional quarantine and EXEMPT from PROVIDING the negative COVID-19 test result before departure (RT-PCR/antigen test) in accordance with IATF Resolution No. 168 (effective May 30, 2022), ONLY if the following conditions are met:

1. Foreign/Filipino nationals fully immunized* with booster** for 18 years and older.

2. Foreign/Filipino minors 12-17 years of age who are fully vaccinated* AND accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent(s) or guardian(s)* with booster**.

3. Foreign/Filipino minors UNDER 12 years of age, regardless of immunization status, who are accompanied by fully immunized* parent(s) or guardian(s) with booster**.

* "Fully vaccinated" against COVID-19 is defined as a traveler who has received a second (2nd) dose of a 2-dose series or a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine MORE THAN fourteen (14) days prior to the date and time of departure from the country of origin/port of embarkation ("COVID-19 primary series vaccination").

** Booster" injection refers to doses administered to a vaccinated population that has completed a primary vaccination series.

Covid-19: Rules for entry into the Philippines effective February 10, 2023.

As of February 10, 2023, foreign nationals traveling to the Philippines for business and tourism purposes may enter the Philippines without a visa, subject to the conditions mentioned below:

Philippine Entry Requirements

- Etravel website registration:

   To be done within 72 hours before departure.

-Passport valid for at least 6 months

- Visa beyond 30 days in the Philippines.

-Airline tickets to and from the country

-Proof of complete vaccination ( if incomplete or non-existent PCR RT test obtained 24 hours before departure. 

They are fully vaccinated

They have acceptable proof of vaccination as required by the competent authority of the Philippines;

They have a negative RT-PCR test performed within 48 hours prior to the date and time of departure from the country of origin/first port of embarkation on a continuous journey to the Philippines;

They are in possession of a valid ticket for their return trip to the port of origin or next port of destination no later than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines;

The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months at the time of arrival in the Philippines; and

They must obtain, prior to arrival, travel insurance for COVID-19 treatment costs from reputable insurers, with a minimum coverage of USD 35,000.00 for the duration of their stay in the Philippines. The certificate must be marked COVID 19 and the amount of coverage must be clearly stated in both English/French or international certificate.